Truba Taar´a

Village / choir: Meremäe, Uusvada

Lead singer: Olga Lohk
Killõ: Maria Möldri


“Karaoke” songs are multi-channel recordings, it is possible to listen to different voices of the Seto choir, because each singer's voice is recorded with a separate microphone. You can switch all the singers on and off and get a clearer picture, for example, how the killõ is constructed, what melody variations are used by the choir and the “lower torrõ”. You can also try to sing along with the choir once you have mastered the basic variations, or, you can practice, for example, killõ while switching the original killõ off. We wish you an exciting journey in the leelo world!


Ara naakõ laulõmahõ,

Truba Taar´a, armas Maar’a
Kisla noori vello veli
Munapudõr mu sõsari
Mis sa muistsõ mullõ tulõ-s
Kui ma kosõ sinno kolmehavva

Kullakõsõ’ kul´atama.
Miä’ks vigä meil laulu laulta,
Kua’ks süüdü meil kul´atõlla.
Omma suuri meil summakõnõ,
Paras laulu om pargikõnõ.

ERA, DH 221 (16) < Uusvada k. – Vaike Sarv ja Kari Hakala < Olga Lohk, killõ Maria Möldri ja koor (7.–8.05.1990).